Wednesday, October 17, 2012

LKIM belanja RM1.5 juta tiap bulan bayar ESH nelayan

Posted by Smookiekins On 10/17/2012 09:16:00 AM

Kerajaan melalui Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (LKIM) negeri membelanjakan sebanyak RM1.5 juta setiap bulan untuk bayaran Elaun Sara Hidup (ESH) kepada lebih 7,000 nelayan negeri ini.

Timbalan Pengarah LKIM Negeri, Mohd Jamil Abdullah berkata setiap nelayan terbabit menerima RM200 setiap bulan sejak skim berkenaan diperkenalkan.

Menurutnya, LKIM telah meluluskan sebanyak 12,441 permohonan nelayan bagi bantuan tersebut namun hanya 7000 sahaja yang menerima- nya kerana terdapat nelayan yang telah tamat tempoh lesen mereka.

“Mereka tidak dapat sebab tamat tempoh lesen perikanan atau bot, jadi apabila tamat tempoh lesen maka mereka tidak akan dapat menerima elaun dan juga bantuan subsidi minyak sehingga lesen berkenaan diperbaharui,’’ katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika berucap pada Majlis Penyerahan ESH Nelayan Secara Tunai kepada nelayan kawasan Tawau.

Jelasnya, tempoh memperbaharui lesen berkenaan memerlukan masa sekurang- kurangnya sebulan sebelum bantuan berkenaan dapat disalurkan semula.

“Lesen perikanan dan bot berkenaan penting bagi mengenal pasti bantuan yang disalurkan sampai kepada golongan sasar serta memantau nelayan yang betul-betul turun ke laut,’’ katanya.

Sementara itu, Pembantu Menteri Kewangan Negeri, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan ketika merasmikan majlis berkenaan berkata nelayan perlu menghargai usaha kerajaan dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti hidup mereka.

Pada majlis itu seramai 434 nelayan kawasan Tawau menerima bayaran elaun berkenaan yang disampaikan secara tunai.

Sumber: New Sabah Times


  1. I think the fisherman cannot rally rely on the subsidy given by LKM

  2. Thank you LKM for helping to increase the living standard of the fisherman

  3. You did good job LKM! Selamat menunaikan tanggungjawab anda!

    1. Tugas LKM adalah membantu nelayan

  4. Bagus la. harap2 usaha kerajaan dalam membantu para nelayan berterusan

    1. Kerajaan sentiasa membantu rakyat

  5. Semoga nelayan2 menerima bantuan berterusan daripada kerajaan

  6. Kerajaan akan sentiasa menyalurkan bantuan kepada semua lapisan masyarakat. apapun, kebergantungan pada kerajaan tu janganlah menjadi yang utama. nanti bila tiba2 kerajaan mansuhkan, tidak pula dapat berdiri di kaki sendiri.

  7. dengan adanya subsidi atau bantuan ni, hasil2 ikan pun janganlah jual mahal sangat:)

  8. The government has never neglected the fishing community in Sabah and is committed to develop the state's fishing industry.

    1. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said various incentives were made in the national and state budgets to uplift the living standard and well-being of the fishing community.

    2. He said this included bringing in modern technology from the west to develop the state's fishing industry for the benefit of local fishermen.

    3. As such, the people should appreciate efforts made by the government to transform the fishing industry, he said when opening the Fishermen's Festival at Pantai Mempakul, Menumbok.

    4. Musa advised the fishing community there to not be influenced by the claim made the opposition parties that they were left out in the country's mainstream development.

  9. Fishermen in the district will live in more comfortable houses and enjoy better facilities.

    1. Malaysian Fishery Development Board (LKIM) Sabah branch director Jamaludin Othman said that 118 of fishermen’s houses would be repaired or improved at a cost of RM1.4 million and RM1.6 million would be spent to replace the walkways at three coastal villages in the district whose occupants are fishermen.


    2. “More villages will enjoy this facility in the future. A fishery complex will also be built at the coastal village of Gayang to serve the surrounding villages.


    3. “With the completion of the complex which will include a jetty, fishermen in Tuaran will have a centralised facility to land their catches and keep them fresh while waiting to be sold,” he said.

    4. Jamaludin disclosed this at the ceremony where Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Hj Hajiji Hj Noor handed monthly aid to registered and qualified fishermen in Tuaran.

    5. The money came from LKIM, an agency under the Federal Ministry of Agricultue.

    6. LKIM has been giving out the monthly aid to fishermen nationwide since last year. This means that if a fisherman did not spend the money, he would have saved almost RM5,000 by the end of this year.


    7. In addition to the monthly aid to active fishermen, they are also covered under a special insurance scheme to protect them against accidents, injuries, permanent disabilities and deaths.


    8. Meanwhile, Hajiji who is Sulaman assemblyman, said the LKIM aid is only part of the Barisan Nasional government’s efforts to assist the fishing community in Tuaran district in general and the Sulaman constituency in particular.


    9. He cited the hundreds of millions of ringgit spent to rehabilitate the fishing community at Mengkabong and Panembawan where the villagers now have free new houses which are better organised with proper sanitation.


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