Thursday, February 23, 2012

Azizah: Agrees with PM Sabah not poorest state

Posted by Smookiekins On 2/23/2012 09:23:00 AM
Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun  speech's at the closing ceremony of "Community Cooperative Transformation Towards Excellence, Creative and Innovative" seminar organised by the Malaysian National Cooperative Commission (SKM) and the National Cooperative Organisation of Malaysia (Angkasa) at Palace Hotel. She supported PM Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's statement that Sabah can no longer be considered the poorest state in the country.

"Of course we are not the poorest state in the country. It is only a common perception of the people because we can be considered prosperous enough and if there are any pockets of poverty scattered around the state, the government is continuously addressing the problem through various programs such as a cooperatives, agropolitan and 1Azam programmes."

"So I agrees with PM's statement on this. You only have to look around to see that this is true. The Government is making continuous efforts to ensure that people's lives are comfortable and assist those still in grasp of poverty to better themselves."

The efforts to transform cooperatives through seminar was timely as PM has also emphasised economic transformation as one of the transformation programmes that will be implemented. 

"When these cooperatives are presented with new opportunities for business, this can help develop the economic a lot of or less fortunate citizens, especially those located in the rural areas. This is an effort to teach them to be financially independent and break the cycle of poverty."

The role of cooperatives nowadays is not only to improve the lot of it members but also to assist the government together with the private sector in realising the country's development agenda. She saw cooperatives as a platform for women to be actively involved in business because if they try it is an individual, then they may be face hurdles such as finance but if they create a cooperative of at least 50 people, then they are able to pool their resources such as money and skills and contribute towards creating a business opportunity which she felt is more creative and innovative. 

"In Sabah I have seen that women's cooperatives can be involved in the business of child care services. The need for the service is definitely there and this will continue to grow as we find that more and more women nowadays are working so they need a place to send their children to be taken care off."

Source: Daily Express


  1. Sabah berpotensi menjadi negeri yang terkaya di Malaysia jika pengurusan kewangan dan pembangunan kita dilakukan dengan sebaik mungkin.

  2. Sumbangan daripada semua pihak perlulah dihargai kerana dengan usaha bersama kita mampu mencapai tahap yang lebih tinggi.

  3. Sabah kini dah makin maju dan bukan lagi negeri termiskin.

  4. Benar2 berharap agar usaha kerajaan untuk membangunkan Sabah dan rakyat adalah berterusan. Kemajuan juga harus dirasa oleh rakyat yang berada di pedalaman.

  5. Sabah pasti akan lebih membangun dengn adanya projek besar yang di buat oleh Petronas.

  6. Sabah semakin maju dan bukan lagi Negeri termiskin.terima kasih kepada kerajaan yang banyak menbantu menbangunkan sabah.

  7. Di harapkan pada masa akan datang sabah akan terus maju ke hadapan, dan lebih banyak pembangunan yang di buat terutama di luar bandar.

  8. pemimpin2 pembangkang sudah tentu tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan PM kerana jika mereka bersetuju bermakna mereka sedang menggali kubur sendiri..

  9. walaupun masih terdapat penduduk miskin di negeri ini, itu bukanlah menunjukkan negeri ini miskin.. kerana di pulau pinang dan selangor juga masih ramai penduduk miskin tegar..

  10. sekurang2nya Sabah sedang bergerak menuju keluar dari pengenalan negeri termiskin melalui bantuan yang disalurkan oleh kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan..

    1. Sabah lebih baik daripada dahulu, kita harus menyokong kerajaan yang sentiasa membabtu rakyat.

  11. Sabah will one day be one of the richest state in malaysia just as long there are cooperation between the people and government.

  12. Its good to know that sabah is no longer known as the poorest state in malaysia but there still much effort needed to be done for sabah to be on par with the other states.

    1. True, many more efforts are needed to improve Sabah especially in terms of infrastructure developments in the rural areas.

  13. Walaupun bukan termiskin, tiada apa yang boleh dibanggakan sebab masih banyak golongan yang tersengsara dengan pembekalan asas.

    1. harap bantuan akan lebih tertumpu kepada kawasan pendalaman, kerana mereka lagi memerlukannya.

  14. USaha membasmi kemiskinan adalah tanggungjawab semua pihak.

  15. Kestabilan ekonomi harus dicapai supaya semua golongan termasuk yang di luar bandar juga berubah dari segi pendapatan dan kehidupan.

    1. Yes, our government should ensure that the income gaps between the poor and rich as well as the urban and rural areas are reduced.

  16. CM also contributed good economy grow to Sabah.

  17. Bujet 2012 akan membawa Sabah ke peringkat yang lebih berkembang.

    1. Harap bajet ini akan membantu Sabah mencapai kemajuan yang lebih tinggi.

  18. Sabah would not be the poorest state if not because of the high presence of illegal immigrants in our state.

    1. Actually, what were the criteria that they have evaluated to measure the poverty state in Sabah?

  19. Maybe Sabah not to poorest state actually. But just get some shortage service and development for certain place.

  20. The Government is making continuous efforts to ensure that people's lives are comfortable and assist those still in grasp of poverty to better themselves.

    It depends with the people to grab every chances that they have and make full use of it.

  21. Look at the TV3 Bersamamu. Most of the hardcore people are from where? Seldom Sabahans were on the programme if Sabah is the poorest state in M'sia.


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