Dalam masa yang sama, Musa Aman merangkap Pengerusi Barisan Nasional Sabah menggesa pembangkang untuk berhenti membuat tuduhan penipuan ke atas pihak Barisan Nasional dengan tujuan semata-mata untuk menghasut rakyat.
"Barisan Nasional kehilangan beberapa kerusi di Sabah. Tetapi, anda tidak pun mendengar kami menangis. Sebalinya kami membuat post-mortem dan mengkaji kelemahan kami.

Inikah Malaysia yang kita mahu?" katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini Isnin lalu ketika mengulas bantahan Anwar terhadap keputusan PRU yang mana menurut Anwar penuh dengan penipuan.
"Jadi, sila jadi budiman (gentlemen) dan terima mandat rakyat untuk membolehkan semua rakyat Malaysia dapat bergerak maju dengan kehidupan mereka", tambahnya lagi.
Bah~Sabah~ Bah
THE 13th General Election is over. Everyone should accept the verdict of the people of Malaysia. Congratulations to the winning party, and to those who did not make it, don't be sour grapes. Accept defeat gracefully and you will be better appreciated the next time around.
ReplyDeleteI hope Pakatan leaders will not disrupt the peace and harmony in this country. There is no need for street protests or rallies. Not even one in a stadium.
ReplyDeleteIf any party is not satisfied with the results, please go through the proper channels. You have 21 days to petition the Election Commission (EC). Provide the proof and if the EC rejects your claims, there is always the courts. Please do not speculate what will happen even before you file a petition.
ReplyDeleteThe people are not so naive as to believe whatever politicians, from either political divide, have to say. The election results clearly show that the people mean business. We have chosen the party to rule the country. If it does not deliver, it will be booted out.
ReplyDeletePlease stop the blame game. Everyone has the right to choose whom he trusts and that's what an election is for. If you want to dictate whom one should vote, then you might as well scrap the idea of having a general election.
ReplyDeleteAn election is the platform for leaders to reflect on what is needed to be done to serve the rakyat and nation better. As for the allegation that the election process was marred by irregularities, I beg to differ. I would like to share my 10 cents worth.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I was the chief polling clerk for three terms and I can confidently say that there is no room for cheating or any kind of fraud during the election period, that is, from the time people start to vote until the counting process is over.
ReplyDeleteThere cannot be any cheating at the ballot boxes as agents of contesting candidates are always present. At my centre, I asked the voting agents to seal and sign the ballot boxes and I witnessed them.
ReplyDeleteI did the same when opening the ballot boxes. In all cases, the votes must tally with the ones recorded by the polling clerk and the agents. So, where comes the discrepancy here? On the electoral roll, anyone holding a blue MyKad can be considered a voter and the EC has got no right to reject an eligible voter.
ReplyDeleteThe National Registration Department (NRD) should be the one held accountable because it is the only one which has the records of the rakyat. If NRD says a person exists, it means that person exists. All parties concerned should verify the legality of a voter by checking with NRD.
ReplyDeleteOnly those who are on duty on the day of election (EC representatives and the police) should be allowed to vote in advance. Everyone else should vote on election day. It does not matter whether they are on duty outstation or are out of the country. If you want to be part of the election process, go back and vote.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope and pray we will achieve our Vision 2020 and become a developed nation within the stipulated period. Let's hope peace will prevail and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will lead the nation to greater heights with his wisdom and leadership. I believe he will walk his talk and I wish him best of luck. To all detractors, stop the protests and accept defeat graciously.
ReplyDeleterakyat Malaysia sudah membuat keputusan dan pihak yang berkenaan sewajarnya menerima keputusan itu sebagai sebahagian daripada proses demokrasi
ReplyDeleteSPR (Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya) sudah jalankan tugas sebaiknya dengan telus dan terbuka, malah ada pemerhati luar dan antarabangsa. Sepatutnya tidak perlu timbul keraguan,
ReplyDeleteMenurutnya jika Barisan Nasional (BN) boleh menerima kemerosotan pencapaian mereka dengan terbuka termasuk kekalahan nama-nama besar, pembangkang juga harus begitu.
ReplyDeleteIni kerana pilihan raya dijalankan dengan bersih dan terbuka,"
ReplyDeletePR perlu bersikap profesional dalam menghadapi kemenangan ataupun kekalahan.guna saluran yang betul kalau rasa tidak puas hati.
ReplyDeleteMasih ada kesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri dan masih ada PRU-14.cuba lagi..
ReplyDeletePM bersedia menerima sebarang keputusan mahkamah sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat membawa ke mahkamah kes yang didakwa sebagai penipuan dalam keputusan pilihan raya umum ke-13.
ReplyDeletesehingga hari ini, tiada sebarang bukti sahih yang dibawa oleh Pakatan mengenai dakwaan penipuan keputusan pilihan raya tersebut.
ReplyDeleteMereka menggembar-gemburkan satu pembohongan dalam media sosial dan cerita yang dibawa dari mulut ke mulut.
ReplyDeleteMengenai "blackout" di satu kawasan yang dikatakan sebagai cara untuk menipu dalam pilihan raya, walhal senarai daftar pemilih ada dalam tangan mereka, setiap pusat pengundian ada agen yang menyaksikan proses.
ReplyDeleteNajib juga menggesa Pakatan untuk mengemukakan bukti tentang dakwaan wujudnya usaha untuk mengimport 40,000 warga Bangladesh untuk mengundi dalam pilihan raya lalu.
ReplyDeletesebagai sebuah parti yang sebelum ini kerap melaungkan tentang demokrasi, Pakatan sepatutnya menerima keputusan pilihan raya yang ditentukan oleh rakyat Malaysia sendiri.
ReplyDeleteYang anehnya mereka yang banyak bersuara tentang demokrasi yang menyatakan rakyat yang menentukan segala-galanya, setelah pilihan raya berakhir enggan menerima keputusan demokrasi parlimen yang ditentukan rakyat Malaysia sendiri.
ReplyDeletePelbagai alasan diberikan kononnya telah berlaku penipuan dalam pilihan raya. Mereka bawa cerita kononnya kerajaan import 40,000 mat bangla untuk mengundi.
ReplyDeleteSebelum ini, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mendakwa terdapat penipuan dalam keputusan pilihan raya umum ke-13
ReplyDeletesebuah pasukan bagi menyiasat penipuan pilihan raya ditubuhkan kerana Pakatan enggan menerima keputusan pilihan raya itu.
ReplyDeletePakatan turut mengadakan himpunan "Suara Rakyat Suara Keramat" yang mengumpulkan kira-kira 120,000 orang, tak habis-habis Pakata menyusahkan orang.