Monday, October 29, 2012

Musa wants MAB to explain KK airport blackout fiasco

Posted by Smookiekins On 10/29/2012 01:10:00 PM

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman has directed Malaysia Airports Bhd (MAB) to explain to the state cabinet the runway lights fiasco that rocked KK International Airport (KKIA) for two days.

“The cabinet is expecting a full report from MAB and the measures to be taken to ensure that it doesn't happen again,” Musa said in a statement yesterday.

Musa said the blackout of the runway lights on Thursday should never have happened at KKIA, which is the country's second busiest airport.

“And the problem should not have taken so long to fix. It inconvenienced thousands and may possibly have affected Sabah's image as a tourist destination,” he added.

Some 6,000 passengers in 51 flights were affected by flight cancellations, diversions and delays. MAB managed to overcome the problem at about 10pm on Friday after a sub-contractor replaced damaged cables on one of the two runways. The runway light problem was widely blamed on the much delayed upgrading of the airport's facilities, including the runway extension.

On Saturday, the MAB came out to fully explain the events that led to the delays and apologised to airlines and passengers. It said the failure of the lights was due to electricity leakage from cables.

Source: The Star


  1. kejadian seperti tu pasti merugikan, diharap tidak berlaku lagi.

  2. MAB harus memberi penjelasan, pasti ramai yang menunggu pennjelasan dari pihak MAB

  3. harap pihak yang berkenaan akan bertindak pantas bila berhadapan dengan situasi seperti ni.

  4. Ini melibatkan pelancong luar negara. pasti ini bagi imej yang kurang baik terhadap perkhidmatan di negeri kita.

  5. hal ini harap tak berulang lagi.


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