Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Health Ministry offers private nursing graduates employment

Posted by Smookiekins On 10/30/2012 12:51:00 PM

The Health Ministry will interview 1,681 private nursing diploma holders, between November 10 and 12, at 85 centres nationwide, for recruitment into the Ministry mid-December this year, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

"The Government has decided to overcome the unemployment faced by graduates from private institutions of higher learning by taking in more nurses into the Ministry, to simultaneously resolve the shortage in government clinics and hospitals," he said Tuesday.

The Ministry will also be implementing the 1Malaysia Training Scheme (SL1M) with the Economic Planning Unit for nursing graduates who are still unemployed, he said.

He added that the Nursing Graduates SL1M programme was part of the Government's effort to provide graduates with skills and clinical experience to enhance their employability and would involve the private sector via their corporate social responsibility (CSR).

"The selected graduates for the programme will be placed at private clinics and hospitals for at least a year to enhance their skills and provide them with clinical experience," said Liow.

Upon completion, they could either be absorbed by the same clinics and hospitals or seek employment elsewhere, he explained.

He informed that the programme would be launched in mid-December.

"We hope the private clinics and hospitals will be attracted to do their CSR through this programme. They'll also be eligible for a Double Tax Deduction Incentive," he concluded

Source: The Star


  1. Sekarang semakin ramai graduan nurse, peluang pekerjaan juga semakin sempit. diharap kerajaan dapat membantu mereka

  2. Program yang baik. semoga para jururawat akan menapat pekerjaan

  3. graduan nurse terlalu ramai, perlu sediakan peluang pekerjaan untuk mereka.

    1. Graduan pun pandai2lah cari atau cipta peluang pekerjaan. rezeki ada di mana2.

  4. Graduan nurse yang dari Aseana, Masterskill dan yg berkenaan ambillah peluang ni. sekarang ni makin susah untuk dapat pekerjaan. kalau graduan ada kemahiran lain, itu lagi satu kelebihan.


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