Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Surveyors should play key role in Sabah’s development – Musa

Posted by Smookiekins On 10/30/2012 01:21:00 PM

Surveyors should play a key role in the construction industry and in the development of Sabah.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said this in his speech for the 30th Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) Sabah Branch annual dinner at Magellan Sutera Harbour Resort on Sunday.

Musa said these professionals were vital to the property and construction sectors as they identified land, calculated the cost of construction, made appraisals of developments and analysed the viability of projects.

“I am pleased that professionals from the surveying field have continued to play a positive role in Sabah’s construction and property development sectors.

“I believed they will continue to uphold the high standards of their profession to develop and move the local property and construction industry to greater heights,” he said at the dinner cum charity fund-raising event.

His speech was read by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Yee Moh Chai.

Musa added that the government was aware of the efforts from professional institutions and associations, including RISM, to improve the state’s economy, and was grateful to their contribution.

RISM Sabah too, he said, could play a contributing role in the development of Sabah and through its understanding and support of government policies and programmes.

He said the government was open to suggestions from professional bodies to improve the delivery system, and willing to listen to feedback and constructive criticisms and get the relevant authorities to work with RISM on resolving issues involving their profession.

“All of us have a duty to build and protect our society and make it a better place to live. We must act in such a way that can benefit our surrounding communities and does not negatively impact the environment,” he added.

According to Musa, Sabah is undergoing unprecedented development whereby many economic sectors are also developing in tandem.

“The rapid development that the state is witnessing today is the product of Halatuju Pembangunan Negeri, the Sabah Development Corridor and federal led initiatives such as the Government Transformation Programme, Economic Transformation Programme and Rural Transformation Programme.

“These state and federal led initiatives are crucial for the socioeconomic development of the state, bridging the urban and rural divide and generate economic momentum in Sabah.
“Sabah property and construction sectors have seen rapid growth over the past few years and are among the fastest growing industries in Sabah.
“New property developments are quickly grabbed either for investment or self-occupation. In an environment of political stability coupled with a vibrant local economy, the property sector has become one of the most attractive avenues for investment,” he said.

Though the local economy and the property sector were doing well, Musa stressed that players must always be vigilant and be able to keep up with domestic and global trends.

He added that there was always room for improvement, and players must be adaptable, creative, hard working and forward thinking.

Present at the event were RISM president Datuk Abdull Manaf Hashim, the outgoing chairman of RISM Sabah Branch, Bernard Sia, and the incoming chairperson for RISM Sabah Branch, Maria Othman.

A total of RM24,900 cash was donated to each beneficiary of the charity fund-raising event, namely Rumah Anak Yatim Al-Aman, Beaufort and Jireh Home, Tuaran.

Source: Borneo Post 


  1. diharap juruukur akan lebih berkualiti dan membantu pembangunan ekonomi Sabah

  2. Mudah2an semua projek dilaksanakan dengan lancar

  3. Mudah-mudahan ramai anak2 muda yang mengambil kursus dalam bidang juruukur ni. pasti banyak pasaran pekerjaan.


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