Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Posted by Smookiekins On 6/04/2013 03:57:00 PM
Civil servants need to set a new standard by shifting to a new paradigm, reflecting the mandate, expectation and demand of the people, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

The reminder to move forward came in the wake of almost 30 days after the 13th General Election (GE13) which was held on May 5.

Najib said civil servants cannot afford to look back and waste any more time on excessive politicking because it would derail the task of fulfilling promises and aspiration of voters who have given the mandate during the GE13.

As for the GE13, the Prime Minister said the government had taken several steps and measures in accordance with the law to ensure a transparent, fair and just election, including accepting recommendations from the opposition parties.

“However, there are still some who dispute the results of the GE13 claiming electoral fraud. If we know the procedure, it is almost impossible for anyone to cheat in a big way,” he said in his speech when addressing the staff of the Prime Minister’s Department during a monthly gathering at Dataran Perdana, here, yesterday, the first since the GE13.

Najib said allegations by some with regard to the GE13 were ridiculous and baseless, especially claims that the Barisan Nasional (BN) had brought in 40,000 Bangladeshis as ‘phantom voters’ to ensure victory.

He also said similar accusations were in the ‘air’ for months before the GE13, leading to a paranoid situation among those who believed, to an extent of even attacking a local who looked like a Bangladeshi, apparently to prevent the ‘phantom voter’ from casting his vote.

“It is not fair for a local with tanned skin colour to be labelled as ‘foreigner’. We can laugh about it after the GE13 but during that time people were convinced by stories of phantom voters which were created just to tarnish the credibility of the election process,” he said.

Najib said the decision by the people of Malaysia to give the BN government the mandate to continue has been accepted by world leaders.

“Right now let us show that our country practices matured democracy, not by saying it but showing that we accept the process of democracy after the election,” he said.

“The government will continue its efforts to change and the transformation will continue because the people have shown that they want changes and that it can be done without changing the government,” he said.

And according to him, weaknesses that were previously identified could have been centered around the government’s machinery which may have not been effective in addressing the ‘war of perception’.

“We can rectify the situation and find way to fight the war of perception – not reality but perception. Perception can be moulded in various ways, not only through a face to face approach, now there is Facebook.

“Maybe we should give more attention to such approach because we may lack expertise in such areas. But we can plan and use our expertise so that we can succeed in the future to ‘display’ the actual success – not perception but reality,” he said.

Source: New Sabah Times


  1. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dalam menegaskan hala tuju penjawat awam untuk tahun ini mahu mereka memastikan Belanjawan 2013 dilaksanakan dengan cekap dan lancar dengan memberi tumpuan kepada agenda transformasi negara yang memberi kesan dan kepuasan kepada rakyat.

  2. sesuai dengan belanjawan (bertemakan ‘Memakmur Negara, Mensejahtera Rakyat: Sebuah Janji Ditepati’) sudah tentunya beliau mahukan kesinambungan dalam penambahbaikan sistem penyampaian kerajaan dan penjawat awam memberi penekanan kepada pelaksanaan Strategi Lautan Biru Kebangsaan

  3. Hala tuju yang berteraskan intipati belanjawan 2103 ini akan secara langsung memberi suntikan besar kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara melalui pengurusan eknomi yang baik

  4. hala tuju yang perlu diberi penekanan oleh semua penjawat awam, ke arah menjadikan 2013 sebagai tahun yang amat cemerlang dalam lipatan sejarah negara.

  5. Perpaduan dan jati diri nasional perlu diperkukuh berpaksi kepada gagasan 1Malaysia, agar rakyat dari segenap lapisan masyarakat dapat merasakan bahawa kerajaan hari ini sememangnya dipimpin oleh sebuah kerajaan yang adil, saksama dan bersifat inklusif

  6. pertumbuhan baik ekonomi negara yang berterusan menuntut kepada pengurusan yang baik, agar dapat memastikan bahawa kekayaan negara diagih kepada seluruh rakyat, berasaskan kepada keadilan sosial.

  7. pelaksanaaan agenda NBOS, Najib berkata ia memerlukan kerjasama jabatan berlainan dalam menjayakan setiap projek secara bersepadu.

  8. Selain itu Perdana Menteri ingin melihat penjawat awam di semua peringkat kementerian, mencapai sepenuhnya Petunjuk Prestasi Utama (KPI) di samping meneruskan kesinambungan dalam penambahbaikan sistem penyampaian kerajaan.

  9. Sebagai warga penjawat awam, kita teruskan usaha penambahbaikan berdasarkan kepada tiga aspek yang pernah saya sebutkan sebelum ini, iaitu perkhidmatan yang cepat, tepat, berintegriti; pemikiran kreatif serta inovatif; dan penekanan kepada produktiviti.

  10. Tahun ini banyak inisiatif baharu akan diperkenalkan, termasuk pelan pembangunan pendidikan yang akan dibentangkan secara muktamad, dan ini juga akan beri kesan besar kepada masa depan dan pembangunan modal insan negara


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