Friday, October 5, 2012

Swiftlet farming rules to take effect on Jan 1

Posted by Smookiekins On 10/05/2012 12:40:00 PM

Guidelines on swiftlet farming in Sabah will be enforced on Jan 1 next year.

The Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry, through the state Wildlife Department, will issue guidelines on swiftlet farming.

However, ministry permanent secretary Datuk Michael Emban said swiftlet farm owners would be given 24 months to comply with the stipulated regulations.

The regulations, he said, included prohibiting swiftlet farming in urban areas such as cities, towns and housing areas, at public places and water catchment areas.

He also said swiftlet houses would not be allowed to be built near airports.

Owners of swiftlet farms located in the stipulated prohibited areas would be given 24 months from Jan 1 to move their operations elsewhere, he told a media conference at his office here yesterday.

Emban said swiftlet farmers were also required to obtain the necessary documents, such as a permit from the local authorities and the Wildlife Department to carry out their operation or to import and export the bird's nests.

Tawau Swiftlet Farmers Association chairman Datuk Kour Nam Ngum said there were about 4,000 swiftlet houses in Sabah, involving investments of almost RM500mil

Source: Bernama


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